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正规(beat·365旧版)绿色学院110周年院庆系列学术活动——爱丁堡大学Dr. Schneider访问化学学院并作学术报告


2017年11月22日上午,应正规(beat·365旧版)绿色学院邀请,爱丁堡大学Dr. Schneider访问我院,并在化学馆321报告厅进行了以“Catalysis for challenging C–H Bond activation”为题的学术报告,主要介绍了其研究小组在烯丙基Csp3-H键活化和吲哚选择性2位官能团化的工作。Schneider教授在报告过程中语言幽默风趣,讲解深入浅出,激起了在座老师和同学的浓厚兴趣。报告结束后Schneider教授与现场师生进行了深入交流,现场学术氛围浓郁。

此次报告由化学学院余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、刘小华教授、罗美明教授、周向葛教授、Jason Chruma教授、高戈教授、陈小川教授、曾小明教授和付海燕教授等相关学科的多位老师及学生参加了报告会。


Dr. Uwe Schneider was born in Würzburg, Germany, and studied Chemistry in Germany and France. He received a PhD degree at IRCOF, France, with Professors Quirion and Pannecoucke [late 2003], before moving to the University of Tokyo, Japan, for postdoctoral research with Professor Kobayashi [early 2004]. He was an Assistant Professor at the University of Tokyo [2007–2011];[Tenure: 2009],before taking up a Lecturer position at the University of Edinburgh, UK [late 2011]. His research interests are focused on the development of sustainable organic synthesis including: exploitation of main group metals and non-metals in their unusual low-oxidation/valence states for base, acid, dual, ambiphilic, FLP, and/or transition metal-like redox catalysis;challenging C–H bond activation using metal–base and/or base catalysis;catalytic strong bond activation in small molecules.


下一条:正规(beat·365旧版)绿色学院110周年院庆系列学术活动——杨森制药公司Cheng Yi Chen博士访问化学学院并作学术报告
